Sunday, December 26, 2010

The New Death Interrupted One-sheet!


The website is currently under re-construction for the show's release in 2011, but the new one-sheet poster is now online! The poster design was inspired by old-school ensemble pictures like;

The Towering Inferno...

And The Poseidon Adventure...

And we're also in process of creating new promos for the show, but in the meantime we have the temporary promo uploaded at youtube.

Happy new year everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


DI has finished its principle photography with over 40 rolls of film in the can. We're currently in post-production with a VOD/DVD release earmarked for February, 2011. The show has went far beyond our expectations. The cast and crew should be applauded, and a very special thanks given to Cecelia Specht for her outstanding performance as "Dumah".

News Flash! An e-book is in the works. Every show has its good and bad moments, and Death Interrupted is no exception. The stories are too great not to share. Hold on to your seats!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

DI wins Platinum Remi for Best Pilot Teleplay

I'm proud to announce DI recently received the Remi award for the script from Worldfest-Houston 2010. This is wonderful news to hear as we finish production over the next couple of weeks. We also had the wonderful opportunity to shoot some scenes with new cast members Eddie Kehler and Katie Scott recently and it went very well.

Stay tuned for upcoming promos and notes on the editing process. We have lots of work ahead of us.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More News!

Nicci Faires & Ernest Harden, Jr.

We've made some interesting changes this week.  We've rewritten the show to add more story and more characters. The changes have added a new dimension to the series.  Our latest addition to the cast is Nicci Faires who will be playing "Mary". This will also help us to function better with such a crazy shooting schedule. Many thanks to the cast and crew for the amazing work so far.

So I present our official cast;

Mary.........................Nicci Faires
Joan..........................Charity Rahmer
Saint Peter..............Carmen Argenziano
Saint Matthew........Kenny Johnston
Samson....................Ernest Harden Jr.
Dumah.....................Cecelia Specht
Amelia.....................Eileen Grubba
Jazzhead..................Moe Irvin  
Judah.......................Darin Dahms  
Ed.............................Jeff Cole

More to come soon!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Production Starts

On Set: Darin Dahms as Judah

We had a great start to "Death Interrupted". After two days of production, we have 12 rolls of exposed film and too many scenes to mention in the can.  A big shout out goes to Raquel, who allowed us to shoot in her wonderfully awesome flat in Los Feliz...or someplace like that.  

Hopefully, we'll be able to have a sneak preview online soon. We will be shooting episodes throughout 2010, with more scenes scheduled for next week. So stay tuned.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Death Interrupted: The Series

Starting off with an update of the show. DI was written last year for a few actors I've come to know in recent years. In 2009, Charity Rahmer approached me and mentioned she was searching for a script and the everything began to fall into place. Inspiration for the project came from the actors I knew or saw perform. My goal was to create likable characters they could enjoy playing. Since then, Eileen Grubba has put together a great cast and everyone is excited to work on the show.

The 60-page script is broken down over 8 days consisting of 1st and 2nd unit shooting. Unfortunately, we have to break up the schedule throughout March and April.

We also just launched the Death interrupted website,, and we plan to have footage uploaded soon. Now, if I can only get SAG to return my calls.